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An aeronautical map designed by a pilot, for pilots.


Aviation enthusiast, engineer graduated from ENAC, former president of Air Club, former member of the steering committee and the board of the French Aeronautics Federation (secretary general then vice-president), Jean Bossy pilots light aircraft since 1967 and has been designing aeronautical charts since 1988.

Professionally, Jean worked from 1971 to 2013 at the DGAC (French Civil Aviation Authority).


The concepts developed by Jean have met with great success for nearly 20 years with airmen. His maps were quickly nicknamed "CartaBossy" by the community of general aviation pilots. Several thousands pilots use them every year.


Quality of the graphic charter, simplicity of use and completeness of information are the strengths of these aeronautical charts. An all-in-one map meeting the needs of VFR pilots, regulatory and in full compliance with ICAO standards and the European Rules of Air (SERA).


An innovative chart, again and again.


Because air regulations constantly evolve and the complexity of airspace continues to grow, Jean Bossy tries every new edition to bring innovations for accessibility and visualization ever more effective for pilots. All radio frequencies are displayed (airspace and airfield), as well as more than 1,000 public, private and microlight airfields. The map displays the preferential Runways, orientation, length, runway direction, and VFR reporting waypoints.

The 2025 edition will always include useful innovations (symbol for airfields with restrictions for microlights, specific symbols for microlight platforms, display of tourist sites such as castles and lighthouses, indication of the presence of a landing fee , etc.) as well as a constantly improved geographical map. This new edition includes the whole of France, Switzerland, Belgium and Luxembourg.


The "paper" and "electronic" charts, two complementary supports.


Because our cockpits are more and more "connected", Jean Bossy offers to all the buyers of a paper map the Cartabossy App available on Appstore and Google Play (rules of confidentiality here), as well as an electronic version of the map in several formats (JPG, PDF, ECW, etc.) downloadable on the site here. Your password will be included in the delivery confirmation that you will receive by email. These formats can not be integrated into Air Nav Pro-style moving map apps whose CartaBossy sales are independent.

Air Nav Pro, Mach 7, VFR SD, Rocket Route, Airmate, EasyVFR (Pocket FMS), Flight Assistant, are all quality navigation apps that include CartaBossy in their catalogs.


Then, in May, get free CartaBossy app on Appstore and Google Play, as well as downloads of digital files of your charts (pdf, jpg, ecw, MBtiles, etc.) on this site!


675 chemin de Roman

13120 Gardanne

SIRET 80866316500013

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